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Stormwater, Stream, and Lake Monitoring

Tahoe RCD has the expertise to conduct water quality monitoring of urban stormwater runoff, streams, and lakes. Tahoe RCD manages the Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program and can select optimal sites in both urban and streamzone environments; design and build monitoring stations; provide remote access capabilities to equipment for programming and data collection; and manage, analyze, and report findings. Tahoe RCD also conducts monitoring in the nearshore zone of Lake Tahoe for harmful bacteria and chemicals that could affect human health. Tahoe RCD can also provide hydrologic modeling including Pollutant Load Reduction Model (PLRM) and Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) and implementation of various Rapid Assessment Methodologies (RAMs) in compliance with Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) and Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements.

A lake with mountains, piers, boathouses, a large pipe, and some equipment on the shore.
An open bear-proof container with items, by a lake with mountains in the distance.
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