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Environmental Services Program

The goal of the Environmental Services Program at Tahoe RCD is to provide services to local public and private agencies and businesses that advance our mission of promoting the conservation and stewardship of the Lake Tahoe region’s natural resources. This program gives us the flexibility to do small or large projects for our partners that may not fit under our existing program umbrellas. We are an ideal partner to connect private and public stakeholders to collaboratively conserve our natural resources.

We manage millions of dollars in programs and projects annually that support all aspects of conservation including, but not limited to: water quality improvement, wildlife habitat protection and restoration, invasive species prevention and control, fire prevention and defensible space maintenance, sustainable recreation, water conservation, and land management and restoration. The environmental services we offer include wildlife, geomorphic, habitat, and vegetation surveys; stormwater, stream, and lake monitoring; prescribed fire effects monitoring; tree risk assessment, disease identification, marking for fuels reduction projects, and more.

Ecological Surveys

Tahoe RCD conducts wildlife, vegetation, and habitat surveys on lands associated with fuel reduction projects, and forestry, wetland, and riparian restoration projects. Prior to implementation of these projects, regulations require surveys to identify sensitive species that may be harmed by these activities. Surveys are conducted for sensitive, threatened, and endangered plant and animal species; suitable habitat for mating, feeding, and nesting; and presence or absence of wildlife. If sensitive species are identified, actions are taken to mitigate habitat disturbance.

Tahoe RCD also conducts geomorphic surveys before and after implementation of restoration projects. Pre and post project surveys of streambed elevation profile, migration and sinuosity; quantification of erosion and deposition; and delineations of stream environment zones can provide valuable information on restoration project effectiveness, long-term stability, and habitat improvement. 

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