Tahoe Resource Conservation District’s (Tahoe RCD) mission is to promote the conservation, stewardship and knowledge of the Lake Tahoe Region’s natural resources by providing leadership and innovative environmental services to all stakeholders. Tahoe RCD is one of nearly 3000 Conservation Districts across the country helping people to protect land, water, forests, wildlife, and related natural resources.
Tahoe Resource Conservation District (Tahoe RCD) is one of nearly 3000 Conservation Districts across the country helping people protect land, water, forests, wildlife, and related natural resources. The California State Legislature formed Tahoe RCD in 1974 under Division 9 of the California Public Resources Code. Tahoe RCD is a non-regulatory, grant-funded, local agency that works in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Tahoe RCD, along with our many partners, obtains grant funding and private donations to support all aspects of conservation issues which include, but are not limited to: water quality, wildlife habitat, fire defensible space, sustainable recreation, water conservation and community enhancement. Current programs at Tahoe RCD focus on stormwater management, aquatic invasive species control and prevention, land management, forestry, and conservation landscaping initiatives.
Use science and collaboration to ensure the balance between people, natural resources, and their community.
Values, Guiding Principles and Strategic Direction
Tahoe RCD values Honesty, Integrity, Collaboration, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Supporting Decisions with Sound Science. Please see our 2021-2023 Strategic Plan for more on our values, guiding principles and strategic direction.
Tahoe RCD is 98% grant funded through federal, state, local, and private sources. The remaining 2% comes from El Dorado County and Placer County property taxes.
To view Tahoe RCD’s California State Controller’s Financial transaction report Click here.
For more information on Tahoe RCD’s California State salary reporting Click here.
Tahoe RCD’s Enterprise System Catalog required under Senate Bill 272 (SB272) can be found when you Click here.